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The Upload Process in Detail

Upload Steps

  1. Create an empty upload-meta.json for new upload processes and upload it to the server
  2. Download the upload-meta.json from the server if the upload has been started before but interrupted
  3. When files are found in the fileList that do not exist locally: raise an exception
  4. When the remote meta says complete=True but there are local files not in fileList: raise an exception
  5. For every file that is found locally but not in the server side meta, upload it with scp
  6. Every 25 files - for performance reasons - update the server-side meta-file
  7. Upload the file /scripts/ to the server and calculate the checksum of the YYYYMMDD directory on the server (based on fileList).
  8. Calculate the local checksum using the same script
  9. When both checksums match, set complete=True in the remote meta and possibly remove the local YYYYMMDD directory

Causes for an InvalidUploadState exception

Whenever the upload encounters an invalid state, it raises an InvalidUploadState exception, which appears in the logs and continues with the following YYYYMMDD directory. Possible causes are:

  • The upload thread crashed during the removal of the local YYYYMMDD directory
  • Files to the local YYYYMMDD directory were added after that day
  • Files from the local YYYYMMDD directory were removed manually
  • The remote meta file was manipulated by hand